티스토리 뷰
큐브리드 다운로드 http://www.cubrid.com/downloads
$ sh CUBRID-
Do you agree to the above license terms? (yes or no) : yes
Do you want to install this software(CUBRID) to the default(/home1/cub_user/CUBRID) directory? (yes or no) [Default: yes] : yes
Install CUBRID to '/home1/cub_user/CUBRID' ...
In case a different version of the CUBRID product is being used in other machines,
please note that the CUBRID 10.1 servers are only compatible with the CUBRID 10.1 clients and vice versa.
Do you want to continue? (yes or no) [Default: yes] : yes
Copying old .cubrid.sh to .cubrid.sh.bak ...
CUBRID has been successfully installed.
demodb has been successfully created.
If you want to use CUBRID, run the following commands
$ . /home1/cub_user/.cubrid.sh
$ cubrid service start
If root setting
$ . /root/.cubrid.sh
$ cubrid service start
사용자를 추가 하지 않고 root에 설치했다면
$ . /root/.cubrid.sh
$ cubrid service start
사용되고 있는지 프로세스 확인
$ ps -ef | grep cub_
cub_user 15200 1 0 18:57 00:00:00 cub_master
cub_user 15205 1 0 18:57 pts/17 00:00:00 cub_broker
cub_user 15210 1 0 18:57 pts/17 00:00:00 query_editor_cub_cas_1
cub_user 15211 1 0 18:57 pts/17 00:00:00 query_editor_cub_cas_2
cub_user 15212 1 0 18:57 pts/17 00:00:00 query_editor_cub_cas_3
cub_user 15213 1 0 18:57 pts/17 00:00:00 query_editor_cub_cas_4
cub_user 15214 1 0 18:57 pts/17 00:00:00 query_editor_cub_cas_5
cub_user 15217 1 0 18:57 pts/17 00:00:00 cub_broker
cub_user 15222 1 0 18:57 pts/17 00:00:00 broker1_cub_cas_1
cub_user 15223 1 0 18:57 pts/17 00:00:00 broker1_cub_cas_2
cub_user 15224 1 0 18:57 pts/17 00:00:00 broker1_cub_cas_3
cub_user 15225 1 0 18:57 pts/17 00:00:00 broker1_cub_cas_4
cub_user 15226 1 0 18:57 pts/17 00:00:00 broker1_cub_cas_5
cub_user 15229 1 0 18:57 00:00:00 cub_auto start
cub_user 15232 1 0 18:57 00:00:00 cub_js start
큐브리드 포트 세팅
큐브리드는 사용시에 포트가 종류가 많으니 확인후 포트를 열어줘야한다.
cento7 기준
$ firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=8001/tcp
$ firewall-comd --reload
$ firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=1523/tcp
$ firewall-comd --reload
$ firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=33000/tcp
$ firewall-comd --reload
$ firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=30000/tcp
$ firewall-comd --reload